


Drama / Suspense

“Trapped” is set in a small American town where sixteen-year-old Becky, inspired by her late grandfather, dreams of owning a horse farm. However, her mother Melissa, trapped in a cycle of addiction and dependency on dangerous men, neglects Becky, forcing her to flee into a dark and dangerous predicament.

Simultaneously, a crisis unfolds in a neighboring town as another young girl disappears, leading her parents to issue a desperate plea for her return. “Trapped” intertwines these tales of peril and hope, making it a compelling film that captures the struggle against daunting odds.

“Trapped” is a poignant tale of resilience and fear, a stark reminder of the shadows that lurk behind closed doors and the light of hope that never ceases to shine. It’s a film that promises not only to captivate but also to resonate deeply with anyone who has ever fought to escape the inescapable.

Starring: Lydia Pearl Pentz, Miles Barnum, Jane Murdoch



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  • In theatres starting January 31st